Barn Hunt RATN
Dogs search for a live rat among multi-levels of hay bales and through tunnels. They must pass tubes with only rat smells and find the actual rat in a timed event.
Dogs run a timed event over a 100 yard straight course chasing a lure. They must get 150 points and based on their speed it takes many runs to accomplish this. Awards BCAT, DCAT and FCAT
Dogs must follow a prescribed fitness program over 8 weeks and document all activities with handler. Hiking, swimming, running, Group Walks, etc. all count toward this title.
Scent Work VSWB
Dog must be hidden from handler who hides either a treat or toy or ball. The dog is brought to the area and must find it within 1.5 minutes. This must be completed 3 times.
AKC Temperament Test ATT
A Temperament test is specifically designed for each breed to match the requirements listed in the standard.
Obedience = CD
This is a prescribed set of exercises that must be performed exactly as written at a trial in front of a judge. It takes 3 qualifying scores to gain a title.
Agility = NA
Dogs are timed while crossing an obstacle course in a specific order directed by their handler.
Tricks TKN / TKI
Must perform 10 tricks from an available list in a specified amount of time. Tricks get more complicated as levels increase. N=Novice and I=Intermediate.
The FETCH award is for a dog fetching a ball, bumper or toy cast a specified number of feet 3 times to the left, right and center. Then retrieved and returned to within a 2ft circle of the owner.
Field Trial = FC
This is where your dachshund shines! They must follow a bunny scent trail through brambles on a field for a specific time and judged for no wasted efforts and stay on task.
Canine Good Citizen requires basic obedience work, leashed and at a distance, ignoring other dogs while out with their owner.
Virtual Home Manners VHM
This is a test of appropriate manners required in the home such as going to “place” when the doorbell rings.
Earth Dog = EDN
The dog must go down under the ground in a 9×9″ tunnel through turns, follow a rat scent and reach the caged and protected rat. The dog must bark and engage so the judge above ground knows the dog is actively trying to get to the rat.